Wolf & Bear Safari

Wolf & Bear Safari

Cost: Pricing based on dates and types of accomodations

Dates: Spring 2023 Dates: offered 5/10 - 6/3

Join an experienced naturalist in learning about and searching for the most charismatic predators in North America in the most famous National Park in the world, Yellowstone. This is the best place and the best time of year to see wolves and bears and we have an extremely high success rate in finding them. Spring is an ideal time to see wolves as they are very active trying to procure food for their young pups. Bears are just emerging from their winter dens to take advantage of the spring forage both flora and fauna. Since the park receives few visitors and predators and their prey are very active this is an ideal time to view these amazing animals. We explore most regions of Yellowstone during this safari and spend two full days searching and viewing wild black bears, grizzly bears, and gray wolves along with many other aspects of Yellowstone’s natural splendor. Click on the itinerary link for more details.

Spring Creek Ranch is an authorized permittee of the National Park Service